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Lauren King

Compass Advisors

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment” - Jim Rohn

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Why did you start your business?

After getting married, I did some soul searching as I was realizing Corporate America was not for me. During this time I identified the 5 things I wanted out of my future career: (1) To be my own boss and build something (2) To be challenged (3) To be excited to go to work every day (4) To have flexibility when I eventually became a mother and (5) To help people. I kept searching how to marry my background in business, marketing and finance with my desire to be entrepreneurial while helping others.

Then, in an airport awaiting a flight from a friend’s wedding in New Hampshire back to our home in Chicago, my husband and I brainstormed and brainstormed.

Then my husband looked at me and said “why don’t you continue in your father’s footsteps and build your own financial advisory business.” I had never thought of pursuing that line of work due to the path my career had taken to that point.

But at that moment it all made sense. The idea of helping others reach their life goals by teaching them how to reap the benefits of personal responsibility and discipline… is exactly what resonated with me. All the financially savvy decisions I make on a daily basis can be turned into a foundation for helping others do the same. At the end of the day it is all about forward thinking and ultimately stress relief.

Biggest Achievement so far.....

My greatest achievements are seeing clients put a plan in place, follow through with discipline and see their dreams come to fruition. Being able to see how my advice allows them to reach their goals while relieving years of stress and angst makes it all worthwhile.

Social Links
Melville, New York
Greatest Lesson Learned....

As a working mother I am conflicted on a daily basis – making a conscious decision to work and not stay at home. I have found that for me personally, having a career that I feel passionate about and love doing makes that decision easier.

The ultimate lesson I learned is that I am a better mother, wife and business woman because I have found the balance I need for myself - both professionally and personally.

Person, Place or Thing that inspires you

My husband and 4 children: Every day I strive to be a role model they will be proud to call their wife and mother.
My father: I hope to continue his legacy as a trusted advisor.
My business partner: Our shared vision that the sky is the limit.

Words to Foster others....

Be mindful of others. Connect with those individuals that are alike and different than you. It is amazing what people can do for one another.

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