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Tracy Young

Sound Private Wealth

Read, Listen, or watch something that motivates you anew on a daily basis. -Jay Shetty

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Why did you start your business?

For 20 years, I worked as a trader and portfolio analyst at a hedge fund in NYC. Throughout the years, the partners invested in me not only in a monetary sense but in my whole person. They gave me space to grow in the areas that I was interested in. It was the perfect place for me to be during that time in my life. I lived in the city with friends, met my husband, moved to Port Washington, had 3 children, and watched them go through middle school. Then, I was ready for a change. I wanted to have more of an impact on people’s lives, but I didn’t know where to start. A friend told me that she had heard a financial advisor speak at the library and thought of me. I was intrigued by the idea, so I took an Intro to financial planning class at Hofstra and loved it. I joined a team at Equitable Advisors. After about a year, I noticed that I was naturally attracting many women as clients and many of them were divorced. While working with my divorced clients, I would think to myself “I wish I could have been there to help while they were going through their divorce”. For this reason, in addition to being a financial advisor, I became a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® Professional. I am so thankful for this second chapter in my life and for my friend who said, “what about a financial advisor?”.

Biggest Achievement so far.....

Having the guts, at 47 years old, to switch careers. This has entailed picking a career, getting a job in that career, and taking and passing at least 10 exams so far for various licenses or designations in the last 3.5 years.

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Port Washington, NY
Greatest Lesson Learned....

The importance of good habits. I used to study and read for my classes in the evenings. It took me hours to read a chapter because I kept falling asleep and I’d have to read the same page over and over. I was taking time away from me, my family and work. I wasn’t getting anything done. I then realized; I should read in the morning when I first get up before going for a walk. What a difference! I feel like a gained hours of my evening back and I am ahead on my reading for my class.

Person, Place or Thing that inspires you

Podcasts and audiobooks - Every morning, I go for a walk and listen to a podcast or audiobook. I usually listen to Ed Mylett and then as I come across a specific interviewee that I like; I listen to that person’s podcast or audiobook. Turns out there is a never-ending list of amazing people to inspire me.

Words to Foster others....

Schedule “it” in. Remember to include items such as time for family, exercise, education, and any other things that are important to you.

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